Thursday, January 21, 2010

Woo! I am here! Spain is absolutely BEAUTIFUL from what I've seen so far, and Murcia seems extremely charming, with lots of opportunities for adventure :) I found Chelsea at the airport - the other Butler girl studying in Murcia - and we got to ride the bus to Murcia together and then went our separate ways. I hate to admit that I'm painfully shy today. I Shy? Doesn't seem possible, but I think it's just hitting me all at know, in a new city, I know no one, and my Spanish isn't all that great. My apartment is adorable! I'll post some pics once I get a little bit more settled in. Angelica and Sergio let me into the apartment and showed me around. They are super nice, but unfortunately will be leaving on February 15. They've already been here for about five months already. They're gracious enough to let me go to La Merced campus with them later this afternoon. I should probably find a supermercado at some point so that I have something to eat for the next few days. Otherwise, trail mix it will be! I apologize that this post isn't super exciting...I JUST got my computer out and they told me the password for the Internet, so I thought I would let anyone who is wondering know that I made it safe and sound. Now...for the unpacking...

1 comment:

  1. Erin! I am so glad you are there and so far you
    like what you see. Wonderful! I can imagine feeling a bit out of your' element there...with the Spanish and all, but it will get easier. And to think, I just saw you the day before you left.
    I'll keep reading. So, yes, please do post some
    pics asap. Hugs...Deb Able
